Network Management

What is the difference between a "Reset" command and a "Reboot" command?
In the Network Manager section of AerWave, the "Actions" button offers an option to Reset one or more media players remotely and another option to...
Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 at 6:59 PM
How can I make my digital signage devices show a dark screen without turning them off?
Digital signage devices often need to "go dark" at certain times of the day.  It may be that a city ordinance only allows public displays to run d...
Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 at 7:06 PM
What are the differences between an "Adminstrator" user and "Standard" user in AerWave
In AerWave, there are two types of user accounts, Administrator and Standard.  The first or primary user of a domain is always an Administrator.  Any additi...
Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 at 7:12 PM